Recommended readings

One book is never enough

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.

To be perfectly honest, this is my first book. As such, you sometimes might be confused by the things that I have written. If this happens then it means that I have failed in making things simple and understandable, do not hestiate about letting me know about that. But please do not wait for my response for there’s a plethora of materials available to you at no cost when it comes to Ruby. Below I have compiled a list of other books that you can use as an alternative to this one. Whenever possible I will provide links to the relevant chapters so that you don’t have to skim the whole thing.

The list is as follows, in no particular order:

  1. Learn to Program” by Chris Pine
  2. Learn Ruby the Hard Way” by Zed A. Shaw
  3. Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby” by why the lucky stiff
  4. Ruby Koans by Jim Weirich

I would like to thank authors of those books as I have also used them in the past and some examples I give here might be influenced by them. Please support them buy buying their books if possible.